Let's create


Let's drive


Let's dive into

new work

Let's reshape


Let's Improve


Let's Think about


Let's form


Let's Provide


Let's strive for


Let's widen


Let's Embrace


Let's revive


We are a German Design Innovation Studio. Our experience with a large range of clients and in diverse areas of physical and digital products gives us insights into how design contributes to your business success.

Industrial Design
UX/UI Design
Spaces &
Strategy Design

  • All Projects
  • Industrial Design
  • Digital Design
  • Brand
  • Furniture Design DE

Our services

We are offering a wide range of scalable design services. It doesn't matter if you need a full product development or brand identity, bits and pieces to conclude your project or support for your internal design or marketing team. In any case we are here for you.

Industrial Design

ID Concepts
ID Evolution
Colour Material Finish
Generative Patterns
Production Assistance

Digital Design

User Interface
User Experience
Visual Design

Visual Communication

Graphic Design
Packaging Design
Brand Identity
Product Photography
Product Renderings
Technical Drawings
Generative Patterns

Design Strategy

User Research
Design Workshops
Branding Guidelines

We are visionaries.

We strive for the unexpected.

We grasp the world in unseen colours.

We are neongrey.

We combine insight into upcoming trends, a user-centred work approach and fundamental knowledge of production processes into a holistic service for each individual design assignment. Creating an engaging and intuitive user experience by making design feasible and comprehensible is always our ultimate goal.

No two projects are ever the same, so we tailor our services to match the needs of our clients. With any given project we are able to draw on a trusted network of partners, both local and international, to create top-notch designs and results.


Offering unique and smart solutions is fundamental for the success of many leading companies. Whether it is making products more competitive, exceeding users expectations or maintaining and elevating the impact of a brand, design is an essential element for reaching these goals. Following an agile design process allows the participation of all significant departments, offers transparency and supports customer involvement. It keeps production costs down while giving products more value.

About the founders

After over a decade of experience in leading agencies and as in-house designers Umur Sener and Jessica Nebel decided to join forces in 2019 with an ambition to discover new opportunities and to create meaningful products and services for tomorrow’s most optimized user experiences.

Umur Sener

Umur Sener

Umur studied Industrial Design at the HfG Schwaebisch Gmuend and Kingston University London with the objective of making products useful and understandable.

During his career Umur worked for leading design agencies including Designaffairs, Lunar Design and Pilotfish. From 2014 to 2016 he was substantially involved in sharpening the design language of premium home entertainment brand LOEWE. Umur supported multinational automotive Brands such as BMW and Rolls Royce along with numerous automobile start-ups improving user experience and reinventing user interaction.

His work has received numerous awards including the Good Design Award, German Design Award, Red Dot Award, IF Award, IDEA Award, Plus X Award as well as the VDID, where he got awarded by Dieter Rams.
Jessica Nebel

Jessica Nebel

Jessica earned an MA degree in Design Products at the Royal College of Art in London under Ron Arad following her graduation in Industrial Design in Braunschweig, Germany.

She worked for renowned design agencies including Designaffairs, Frog Design, Icon Incar, Lunar and Pilotfish. Over the past years Jessica contributed to successful projects in the field of high performance workplace solutions at Steelcase. For BMW MINI she was fundamentally involved in the design of both hardware and software user interfaces. At global technology company Huawei, Jessica took a leading role in the establishment of branding guidelines for their carrier division.

Her work got international praise from awards such as RED DOT, GOOD, IF and German Design Award. It has been showcased around the globe and has been featured in leading publications.

Got curious?

Let's talk!


neongrey designstudio

muttenpottsweg 99b
26125 oldenburg


tel. +49 441 3614 4938

© 2025 neongrey designstudio



Neongrey GbR
Muttenpottsweg 99b
26125 Oldenburg

Represented by:
Dipl. Des. Umur Sener and
Dipl. Des. Jessica Nebel MA (RCA)

Phone: +49 (0) 441 3614 4938
Email: hello@neongrey.io

Value Added Tax Identification Number according to § 27a UStG: DE123456789

Responsible for the content according to § 55 Abs. 2 RStV:
Umur Sener and Jessica Nebel
Muttenpottsweg 99b
26125 Oldenburg

Disclaimer: Despite careful content control, we do not assume any liability for the content of external links. The operators of linked pages are solely responsible for their content.

The use of contact information, such as postal addresses, telephone and fax numbers, and email addresses, published in the context of the imprint or similar information, by third parties for the transmission of unsolicited information is not permitted. Legal action against senders of so-called spam emails, in violation of this prohibition, is expressly reserved.


Neongrey GbR
Muttenpottsweg 99b
26125 Oldenburg

Vertreten durch:
Dipl. Des. Umur Sener und
Dipl. Des. Jessica Nebel

Telefon: +49 (0) 441 3614 4938
Email: hello@neongrey.io

Umsatzsteuer-Identifikationsnummer gemäß § 27a UStG: DE123456789

Verantwortlich für den Inhalt nach § 55 Abs. 2 RStV:
Umur Sener und Jessica Nebel
Muttenpottsweg 99b
26125 Oldenburg

Haftungshinweis: Trotz sorgfältiger inhaltlicher Kontrolle übernehmen wir keine Haftung für die Inhalte externer Links. Für den Inhalt verlinkter Seiten sind ausschließlich deren Betreiber verantwortlich.

Die Nutzung der im Rahmen des Impressums oder vergleichbarer Angaben veröffentlichten Kontaktdaten wie Postanschriften, Telefon- und Faxnummern sowie E-Mail-Adressen durch Dritte zur Übersendung von nicht ausdrücklich angeforderten Informationen ist nicht gestattet. Rechtliche Schritte gegen die Versender von sogenannten Spam-Mails bei Verstößen gegen dieses Verbot sind ausdrücklich vorbehalten.